Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cool levitation trick!

Very cool levitation trick that you can do yourself!

Best, M

Making a Wi-fi antenna

This video shows how you can simply make a Wi-fi antenna, that will boost your Wi-fi signal. It is really simple to make, so everybody will be able to do it. More about the antennas can be found here Freeantennas. It can be very useful if you have your Wi-fi router on the edge of the house/apartment and you want to boost your signal in the house, because this antenna "takes" the signal from one side and boosts it on the other side. I have provided a picture so you can understand.

Happy building!


Sunday, December 16, 2007


Zamzar is a very useful tool for converting all sorts of formats. You can convert picture formats or MS Office formats to pdf,... The number of formats is really big and the Zamzar is really well spoken of.

The proces is really siple:
1. you choose the file you want to convert
2. you choose the format you want to convert to
3. you type in you email so they can send you a download link
4. click on the link in your email and download the file

It is that simple.


Thursday, December 13, 2007


I like playing games, as many of you do to, so i added this Miniclip to my Blog, so you can play the games from here!

Best, M

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Colors on the internet


I found a site, where you can change RGB colors to HTML colors,...

Very useful for web developers.


Best, M

Google Hacks

I found this movie on the Videopedia page. It shows some Google search hacks. I guess only the first two are interestesting for a normal user.

The first one is how to "hack" security cameras. You just type in this in you google search: inurl:"viewerframe?mode=motion". Whit this you will get a list of security cameras. You can click on any of them and you can move it arround, zoom,... pretty neat!

The second one is how to "hack" live cameras. You have to type this in: intitle:"Live View / -AXIS". You will get a list of live web cams that you can watch. Some of them can be moved arround and zoomed.

Other two hacks are not that interesting, so i won't explain them. Be aware of all spaces in the search keywords.

Best, M

Monday, December 10, 2007

HOW to make you WEB page more visible?

There are many ways to make you web site get better position when being searched in search engines such as Google.

One of the ways is to add meta tag to you web site. This means you provide informations about your web site for search engine robot to pick up. You do that by adding a line of meta code.

Examples are provided here!

You have to add this line of code to theHEAD of your page and when you tipe in your keyword, don't use CAPSLOCK. If you use CAPSLOCK then somebody who searches for that keyword will have to type it also with CAPSLOCK. For example:

your keyword is LONDON
if somebody type's in london, your page will not show

Best, M


Today i decided to write something about Netvibes. Many of you probably heared about Netvibes many of you did not. I think it is a very useful thing and can save you so much time...

So, is a home web page that you can personalize. Just log on to and i will explain it to you. First you have to make an account, you do that by clicking a button in the upper right corner which says sign in. Now that you registered you can start shaping you page.

Best thing to start with is by adding gadgets. You do that by clicking add on the upper left corner. There are many gadgets to choose from. I think most useful are:

Email wizards: you can set it up so you can read you email, without leaving the netvibes site.

Weather: it shows your weather in a nice graphic way

Webnote: you can write something down and it immediately saves, so when ever you open Netvibes it's there

Facebook: to keep up to date with you frieds

Google search, Youtube search, Picture search: so you have all search engines in one place

Rss reader: this is my fauvorite, you can read as many rss feeds as you want (more explained in my previous post)

These are only few i like, but there are many more on Netvibes.

After you finish with adding them to you page, you can easily move gadges with a mouse. You just click & hold it and move it where ever you like. It's that simple.

In Netvibes you can also make tabs, so you can have Rss feeds in one tab, search engines in one tab, possibilities are limitless. One more step in personalization is changing the graphics of your page. You to that by clicking the settings button in the upper right corner. Then just click wallpapers and choose. You can also name you site, just double click on the previous name and change it.

I hope this post shead some light on Netvibes
which are pretty cool and easy to use. I highly recommend it.

I supplied this video, which shows mr. Tariq Krim of Netvibes.

Best, M

Sunday, December 09, 2007

What is RSS?

RSS is Rich Site Summary. :))

Have a clue? I guess not!

I found a video that explains it very well (better then i would :))). So rather then me typing it and you reading it, you can just watch this. It also explains using Google reader which i use. The thing i can do for you is to write you some useful RSS adresses(feeds) so you can use when you learn how to from the video. Most of them are Slovenian but some are International.

Slovenian: - - (this is not a RSS adres, copy/paste this in you browser and scroll down, you will see that Dnevnik offer more RSS chanels) - - (sam as dnevnik, multiple RSS feeds to choose from at the bottom of the page) -

Google news -
CNN - (multiple RSS feeds, tipe this in your browser and choose one or more)
BBC - (multiple RSS feeds, tipe this in your browser and choose one or more)

Best, M

How to capture/record your desktop?

I browsed the web and i found this really neat and FREE program called CamStudio, that can be used to record your PC screen.

So, how do you do it?

Firstly you have to download it from this web site Scroll down a bit and find the download link and save it to your desktop. Install the program and double click the blue icon, that appears on your desktop. A small window opens and you are ready to go.

Using the program is very simple, you just have to set audio and region options everything else is already pre-set. First click on the Options button and choose which audio you want to record (no audio, from microphone or from speakers). Then click Region button and click which region you want to record. You can choose between full screen or a specified region. After you have choosen you are ready to go.

After you click the red recording button it starts recording. I suggest you choose a region to record if you are using audio, because otherwise the audio can be really bad becasuse it's too much data for it to record. (I tried recording in full screen with audio from spekers and it was a disaster. I guess this also depends on your PC processor speed. I tried it on a Pentium 4, 1.5Mhz,512MB RAM.) After you click the stop button, program asks you where you want to record this movie and how you want to name it. After that just wait for it to encode audio, and when it finishes a video player will pop up. You can close that and watch your video in any standard video player.

I have also found this video, that pretty much shows you everything you need to know about using Camstudio.


Best, M

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Make your PC run faster


In this post, I'm gonna touch the theme "making the PC faster". From my experience many people don't even know how to install antivirus programs, let alone the regcleaners and adaware removers...

So this is a post, that will make that operation much easier for those kinds of people.

Firstly YOU NEED AN ANTIVIRUS PROGRAM! There are many out there so its plenty to choose from. My personal best is NOD ANTIVIRUS ( which takes up least of your RAM and processor power and its really good too. BE AWARE: If you already have an antivirus program, be sure to remove it completely (Control panel > add remove programs > unistall) before you install the new antivirus, this is essential. After instalation it is higlhy recomended to run the antivirus program, to clean you computer. I suggest doing this before you go to sleep, because it tends to take some time. The installation of the program should be straight foward, you just click next, next,... (also read what it says before you click next!)

The next step is to download an ad aware program. One of the FREE programs out there is AD-AWARE LAVASFOT, which you can download and install for free ( After the instalation you just click scan and clean in the end. That means you PC is free from all of the bad buggs. GOOD JOB!

After you have you antivirus program and an ad aware, then i suggest that you download some kind of Registry clener, again, there are many available on the internet but my personal best is CCLEANER ( it's FREE and has also a file cleaner installed which is pretty neat. After you download it, click on the Registy button and scan for issues. Then just click the Fix button, and make sure you make a backup copy of your registry before you fix it. ( I supplied a picture so you can see what to do)

Ok. Now you have no viruses, no ad aware, your registry is in order. Your computer should already pick up some speed and response time.

The next step is explained in this video. It tried it myself and works fine, but i have to warn you, if you don't know what are you doing then just don't DO IT. I will not be resposible for any loss of data or anything simmilar, ok? Good

Now watch the video and MAKE YOU PC FAAASTERRRR! :))

Best, M

Zeigtgeist movie

Dear all,

just yesterday i watched this movies. I was shocked. It makes so much sense and and they back it up with evidence. It sa must see movie, really.

Here is the link:

The movie is long but it's worth it, you will see so many things differently...

Best, M

Google search tips

I guess 90% us Google users, do not know half of the Google search tricks. Untill recently i was one of them. Then i found out, that u can use Google for calculating, all kinds of converting (money, mesurements,...), u can use it to show your local weather,...

Calculator: You just tipe in the Google search bar 3+2 and click searh. Google immediately gives you an answer.

Converter: Tipe in 12m in feet and click search, again Google immediately gives you the right answer. You can try this with all kinds of conversions(m, km, feet, miles, Celsius,..)

I have also found this neat movive that can also shed some light on this topic.

Best, M

Google search logo

Ever been wondering how to make your name pop up instead of the Google logo in :) I guess not, me neihter but still this coll page lets you do it.
Go to and tipe in what ever you want, then just click the button in there you have it. Here is also a video that can help!

Best, M

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

50 cent interview

Radio Antena pa je na svoji strani objavil intervju z 50 centom, ki ga je opravila vedno dobro razpoložena Ota Roš. Posnetek lahko slišite tukaj.


50 cent filmček

Tukaj je filmček, ki so ga posneli kolegi s Studia Delo. Komentatorke ne poslušajte, raje preberite kaj sem jaz napisal!


Monday, December 03, 2007

50 cent v Roll baru

Včeraj sem bil na "koncertu" svetovno znane reperske zvezde 50 cent, ki se nas je usmilil in je prišel tudi v Slovenijo.

Pred Roll barom smo čakali od 22h pa tam nekje do 00.30, ko se je končno pripeljal 50 cent s svojim spremstvom. V koloni avtomobilov so bile 3 limuzine, Audi A8, Audi Q7 in sivi kombi v katerem se je iz Hotela Kongo v Grosupljem pripeljal 50 cent. Avtomobile so parkirali pred Roll barom in trajalo je dobrih 10 minut, da so G-unit in na koncu tudi 50 cent začeli prihajati ven. 50 je takoj po izhodu iz kombija odsel noter, tako da smo zaman čakali na dobro sliko. Organizator je novinarje postavil tako, da smo 50 centa videli samo v hrbet pa se to slabo, ker je med nami in njim stal kombi.

Torej začetek je bil slab, a so se G-unit in 50 kasneje malce odkupili. Čeprav je 50 zapel oz. odrepal samo eno pesem, je bilo zadovoljivo, saj od taksne zvezde nismo pričakovali niti tega. Takoj po prihodu so se ekipa in 50 odpravili na oder, kjer so z ostalimi nasimi Vipovci zaceli pleasti na beate 50 centovega DJ-ja. Med bolj poznanimi Vipovci smo na odru lahko videli Iris Mulej, ki se je takoj vklopila v družbo in velik del noči preplesala z enim izmed G-unitovcev. Iris je izgledala odlično, edino kar ni bilo ravno najboljse, je njen ples. Namesto da bi to skrila se je postavila v prvo vrsto na odru, tako da smo vsi lahko občudovali njen hvale vreden trud, ki pa zal ni obrodil sadov. Vsi tisti, ki ne verjamete, bom v kratekem uploadal filmčke in boste lahko presodili sami.

Na odru je bila postavljena velika "king size" postelja, ki je ameriškim gostom in Vipovcem služila kot vip lounge. Zabava je bila dobra, edino bi rekel nekaj čez organizatorja, ker je bila dvorana dokaj prazna in bi "komot" noter spravili se enkrat toliko ljudi kot jih je blo, s tem da še ne bi bilo gužve. Ne morem si mislit, kaj so gostje pomislili, ko so videli na pol prazno dvorano oz. kart progo!?

Torej 50 je prisel, videl, zmagal, odrepal eno pesem in se malce pokazal. Za to svoje delo je dobil postenih 700.000€ kar je dokaj dobro plačilo, glede na ves trud, ki ga je moral vlozitiv to.

V kratkem sledijo slike in filmci iz "koncerta".


Saturday, December 01, 2007

Goolge my location

Zasledil sem nov Google tool, ki se imenuje My location. Zadeva je preprosta za uporabo in naj bi delovala na vseh Java in Symbian s60 telefonih. Kot je iz imena razvidno se program uporablja za določanje vašega položaja, za kar pa ne potrebujete GPS sprejemnika. Google s pomočjo mobilnih oddjanikov (stolpov prek katerih naši mobilci dobivajo signal) določi vaš položaj. Zadeva je še vedno v beta fazi in še ni toliko natančna a so odzivi uporabnikov zelo pozitivni. Več o delovanju in dolpotegu aplikacije si lahko pogledate na tem filmčku.