Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Battery hack
This is for all the guys back in USA, cos i haven't seen this kind of batteries selling in Europe. I hope this simple hack, saves you some money!
Best, M
Thursday, January 24, 2008
As I predicted:)
Macbook air, is an old news now. It's out, it's started selling i guess. I like it, but i would buy it only as a second machine. It's thin, it has that new trackpad, the keyboard is good, it's cool to have.
I just think it lacks some horsepower, altho the CPU that Intel made is quite impressive (in size). I lack another USB port, and a optical drive, but thats pretty much it. I guess for USA the price is quite expnsive, but for Europeans it's not that bad. ( I love the exchange rates!!)
Best, M
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Marketing Apple
I give you a very interesting ebook, from a former Apple employee and a marketing guru. I have read it and it's quite interesting.
Best, M
Best, M
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Macworld 2008 News
Here I will be posting all the new gadgets that Macworld 2008 will bring to us. I can't wait to hear and Steve Jobs Keynote presentation. I hope he introduces new Macbook so I can jump and buy one! :)
Best, M
Here I will be posting all the new gadgets that Macworld 2008 will bring to us. I can't wait to hear and Steve Jobs Keynote presentation. I hope he introduces new Macbook so I can jump and buy one! :)
Best, M
Microsoft Surface
I'm giving you Microsoft Surface possibilities:
and Microsoft Surface parody:
A like both movies, but I'm on the side of progress and I think gadgets similar to Microsoft Surface are the future. No more Wireless and Bluetooth hookups, just lay your gadget on the table and you are ready to go. If the table could hook to your big ass HDTV even better. No more cables for connecting your camera,... Our life would become very very easy and lazy and we would spend our time sitting at home or at a bar drinking and playing with the table. I guess physical activity will become even more important in the future then it's now. (and eve today we have millions of obese -heavy people) People used to go to walks, each others houses, coffee shops to talk, they used to play outside, work outside... Now we just use PS3, XBOX 360, PC... for playing and MSN, Gtalk, ICQ for chatting. My father still doesn't understand how is my sister able to sped hours and hours on the MSN. He made me think and now i don't even log in to MSN, i use Gtalk and i talk only when i'm up for it. I rather go out to talk or use email for my friends far far away.
Best, M
and Microsoft Surface parody:
A like both movies, but I'm on the side of progress and I think gadgets similar to Microsoft Surface are the future. No more Wireless and Bluetooth hookups, just lay your gadget on the table and you are ready to go. If the table could hook to your big ass HDTV even better. No more cables for connecting your camera,... Our life would become very very easy and lazy and we would spend our time sitting at home or at a bar drinking and playing with the table. I guess physical activity will become even more important in the future then it's now. (and eve today we have millions of obese -heavy people) People used to go to walks, each others houses, coffee shops to talk, they used to play outside, work outside... Now we just use PS3, XBOX 360, PC... for playing and MSN, Gtalk, ICQ for chatting. My father still doesn't understand how is my sister able to sped hours and hours on the MSN. He made me think and now i don't even log in to MSN, i use Gtalk and i talk only when i'm up for it. I rather go out to talk or use email for my friends far far away.
Best, M
Friday, January 11, 2008
Using Google to download songs
I stumbled upon an article which explains how can you use Google as a P2P Network, similar to Limewire, Emule,...
So, how to do it:
1. Type this into your Google search
intitle:"index.of" (mp3|mp4|avi) killing.me.softly -php -html -htm -asp -cf -jsp and click search
2. Copy everything from the URL bar and press CTRL+B (to open Bookmarks-works in Firefox)
3. Right click and make a new Bookmark. Name it what ever you want and in the Location bar paste the URL that you copied (then find the name of the song Killing.me.softly in that URL, erase it and type %s in its place). In the Keyword bar type music and click OK.
Now type in the URL bar music and a name of your song.(Example: music Robin.Williams) Be sure to use . (dot) instead of space. I searched for Robin.Williams and i clicked on one of the results. The picture shows what you get, when you click on a result. Now, to download song, just right-click on it and press Save as. Thats it. I hope you enjoy it.
Best, M

I stumbled upon an article which explains how can you use Google as a P2P Network, similar to Limewire, Emule,...
So, how to do it:
1. Type this into your Google search
intitle:"index.of" (mp3|mp4|avi) killing.me.softly -php -html -htm -asp -cf -jsp and click search
2. Copy everything from the URL bar and press CTRL+B (to open Bookmarks-works in Firefox)
3. Right click and make a new Bookmark. Name it what ever you want and in the Location bar paste the URL that you copied (then find the name of the song Killing.me.softly in that URL, erase it and type %s in its place). In the Keyword bar type music and click OK.
Now type in the URL bar music and a name of your song.(Example: music Robin.Williams) Be sure to use . (dot) instead of space. I searched for Robin.Williams and i clicked on one of the results. The picture shows what you get, when you click on a result. Now, to download song, just right-click on it and press Save as. Thats it. I hope you enjoy it.
Best, M
Making Firefox faster
Firefox is already fast and i think better than IE 7, but there is a way to make it even faster. The process is really fast and easy. It shouldn't give you any trouble.
1. In the URL bar type about:config
2. Then type network in the Filter bar and find network.http.pipelining. Double click it to change it from false to true
3. Just under network.http.pipelining you will find network.http.pipelining.maxrequests. Again double click and change the value from 4 to 100.
4. Restart Firefox and try some of your favorite web pages. It should open pages much quicker
I tested the time it took Firefox to open my Netvibes page, with and without the hack. Result: the hack improved Firefox for 40%.
Firefox is already fast and i think better than IE 7, but there is a way to make it even faster. The process is really fast and easy. It shouldn't give you any trouble.
1. In the URL bar type about:config
2. Then type network in the Filter bar and find network.http.pipelining. Double click it to change it from false to true
3. Just under network.http.pipelining you will find network.http.pipelining.maxrequests. Again double click and change the value from 4 to 100.
4. Restart Firefox and try some of your favorite web pages. It should open pages much quicker
I tested the time it took Firefox to open my Netvibes page, with and without the hack. Result: the hack improved Firefox for 40%.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Optimus Maximus Keyboard
I'm checking new gadgets released at CES. One of the gadgets that caught my attention was the new keyboard called Optimus Maximus. The best thing about the new keyboard isn't it's revolutionary keyboard layout or wireless capabilities.
The best thing bout the new keyboard are it's keys. Every key is a small OLEAD screen. Keys can be predetermined or set by the user. They can also change depending on the application you are in. Really useful.
You can read more about the keyboard here.
Best, M
I'm checking new gadgets released at CES. One of the gadgets that caught my attention was the new keyboard called Optimus Maximus. The best thing about the new keyboard isn't it's revolutionary keyboard layout or wireless capabilities.
The best thing bout the new keyboard are it's keys. Every key is a small OLEAD screen. Keys can be predetermined or set by the user. They can also change depending on the application you are in. Really useful.
You can read more about the keyboard here.
Best, M
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Wireless HD
We will be getting a new WiHD standard very soon. The first products are scheduled to hit the shops in the beginning of the 2008. The standard will be using 60Ghz, so it won't need a special permission to function. It will be capable of speeds 4 Gb/s. Very nice!! :))
You can read more here
Best, M
We will be getting a new WiHD standard very soon. The first products are scheduled to hit the shops in the beginning of the 2008. The standard will be using 60Ghz, so it won't need a special permission to function. It will be capable of speeds 4 Gb/s. Very nice!! :))
You can read more here
Best, M
Saturday, January 05, 2008
How to make a mp3 ringtone
Recently i watched a keynote presentation from mr. Steve Jobs from Apple that was about their new function, making ring tones wit Itunes. The idea is great, you take a song, cut 30 seconds that you think would make a perfect ring tone and press cut. The catch is that you have to pay 0,99$ for the song and 0,99$ for the ring tone you just made... If you already have a song, then you just have to pay 0,99$ for a ring tone...
I thought a bit about that and realized, why not find a free program on the internet that allows you to edit audio, and to make your own mp3 ring tone, or in any other format for that mather. I found software called WavePad from NCH Swift Sound. It's really simple to use and it's really simple to cut mp3's and to make mp3 ring tones out of them. You can also convert audio files with software that comes with WavePad. Just be sure to install the converter in the WavePad installation process.
So now you have installed the program, how to make a ring tone??:
-open a song you want to make a ring tone of
-listen to the song, and when you find that special peace of song you like, just use you mouse to color it
-now click CRTL+C to copy that part
-then open a new file, it pop's a window, just click OK
-when the new window opens, press CTRL+V to paste the part you copied
-listen to it once more and if you are satisfied click the X to close the window
-it will ask you if you want to save the file, you click yes, you name it and choose a format you want to save it in and that's it
Recently i watched a keynote presentation from mr. Steve Jobs from Apple that was about their new function, making ring tones wit Itunes. The idea is great, you take a song, cut 30 seconds that you think would make a perfect ring tone and press cut. The catch is that you have to pay 0,99$ for the song and 0,99$ for the ring tone you just made... If you already have a song, then you just have to pay 0,99$ for a ring tone...
I thought a bit about that and realized, why not find a free program on the internet that allows you to edit audio, and to make your own mp3 ring tone, or in any other format for that mather. I found software called WavePad from NCH Swift Sound. It's really simple to use and it's really simple to cut mp3's and to make mp3 ring tones out of them. You can also convert audio files with software that comes with WavePad. Just be sure to install the converter in the WavePad installation process.
So now you have installed the program, how to make a ring tone??:
-open a song you want to make a ring tone of
-listen to the song, and when you find that special peace of song you like, just use you mouse to color it
-now click CRTL+C to copy that part
-then open a new file, it pop's a window, just click OK
-when the new window opens, press CTRL+V to paste the part you copied
-listen to it once more and if you are satisfied click the X to close the window
-it will ask you if you want to save the file, you click yes, you name it and choose a format you want to save it in and that's it
The guy hacks a big screen!
The guy hacks a big screen on the railway station somewhere in the Netherlands. Very funny :D
Best, M
The guy hacks a big screen on the railway station somewhere in the Netherlands. Very funny :D
Best, M
Is it OK to steal Wifi?
I came across this article about the ethics of stealing Wifi connection from you neighbors, coffee shops,...
I personally think if the Wifi network is in range and has no protection then go for it. Those who want their network to stay private the use a password to protect it. Of course that password can be cracked but i don't support that. If the network has no password then the owner doesn't want it to be secret or he/she doesn't know how to set up a password. But that is their ignorance. I know that setting up a password can be done by a monkey if you showed it how, so for people with a basic or almost none computer experience that shouldn't be a problem. If it still gives you a hard time, there are a lot of handyman's' out there that can help you. You just need to ask.
So stealing Wifi is OK if it's not protected and even then, don't use it for downloading huge files or smth, because that can cripple the connection for the owner and that is NOT OK!
Best, M
I came across this article about the ethics of stealing Wifi connection from you neighbors, coffee shops,...
I personally think if the Wifi network is in range and has no protection then go for it. Those who want their network to stay private the use a password to protect it. Of course that password can be cracked but i don't support that. If the network has no password then the owner doesn't want it to be secret or he/she doesn't know how to set up a password. But that is their ignorance. I know that setting up a password can be done by a monkey if you showed it how, so for people with a basic or almost none computer experience that shouldn't be a problem. If it still gives you a hard time, there are a lot of handyman's' out there that can help you. You just need to ask.
So stealing Wifi is OK if it's not protected and even then, don't use it for downloading huge files or smth, because that can cripple the connection for the owner and that is NOT OK!
Best, M
Removing and installing a hard drive to Macbook
I never knew if it was hard or not to change a hard drive or memory in the laptop computer. I know that doing that with a PC is a piece of cake and i did it several times, but laptops were an enigma. I found this video showing how you can easily remove the hard drive and exchange it with new one in an Apple Macbook. The reason i have posted this proces for Macbook and not for a laptop is that i'm waiting for my Macbook to arrive from U.S.A. and i want to be ready for it. :)))
Best, M
I never knew if it was hard or not to change a hard drive or memory in the laptop computer. I know that doing that with a PC is a piece of cake and i did it several times, but laptops were an enigma. I found this video showing how you can easily remove the hard drive and exchange it with new one in an Apple Macbook. The reason i have posted this proces for Macbook and not for a laptop is that i'm waiting for my Macbook to arrive from U.S.A. and i want to be ready for it. :)))
Best, M
Levitation trick #2
I tryed the levitation trick myself but it didn't work. Maybe it was because i used the Redbull can istead of coca cola, but that was the one i had at my house.
Best, M
Best, M
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